
来源:八戒影院人气:290更新:2022-08-12 00:15:39

答案在The Economist March 26th 2022 Europe 中 “Charlemagne|We need to talk about thermostats” 这篇文章首段可以找到。

The Economist March 26th 2022 Europe


upshot n.(通常指出乎意外的)结局,结果

同义词:result, consequence, outcome, end


The upshot of the discussions is that there will be no layoffs.



At last, the spring. For months Europeans have lived with the threat of losing the Russian gas that keeps their homes warm. The prospect seems less daunting now that daffodils are blooming. But despite the seasonal serenity, a wrenching energy transition is under way. Europe wants to cut imports of gas from Russia by two-thirds within a year. Behind the scenes, politicians and companies are already scrambling to work out how to cope next winter. The obvious upshot, one might expect, would be a change in consumer behaviour not seen since the 1970s, when dizzying oil prices caused a rethink of how the West lived. Not so. While European leaders exude an air of war-time concern, the public is living as if nothing were amiss in a continent at peace.



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